Outings to Restart – July 2020 Latest Coronavirus News

Silver Daytrippers


We hope you have been keeping well over the past few months. It has certainly been a difficult time for all of us and we must hope for better times ahead.

As I am sure you know, we only managed to run one trip in the Spring/Summer programme, back on 16 March to Polhill Garden Centre. However, as restrictions have now eased we have decided to operate a “socially distant” late Summer programme to some seaside destinations.

The minibuses will operate with a maximum of 9 passengers on board and we will ask you to wear a face covering (unless you are medically exempt). The buses will be rigorously cleaned before the outing and the drivers will also clean the grab rails, handles and head rests whilst you are enjoying your fish and chips or strolling along the prom.

We will pick up passengers between 9am and 10.05am from the regular stops. Our timetable and programme are published on our website www.wctbus.org.uk.

Wednesday 22 July Eastbourne £12

Monday 10 August Worthing £12

Thursday 20 August Bexhill £12

Wednesday 26 August Hastings £12

Monday 7 September Southend £12

Wednesday 16 September Eastbourne £12

Thursday 24 September Rye £12

Please call us on 020 8675 3812 to book.



We have restarted the Shopping Shuttle, but only for people who don’t need additional help. This is to ensure we can maintain adequate social distancing, so no volunteers, wheelchairs or waiting at Shopmobility. We have cut the shopping time to just over an hour, so it is straight back and on the minibus with no hanging around. The cost remains £2.50.

For those who just need a loan of Shopmobility equipment, ring in advance and wait outside. They will come out with your wheelchair/scooter and disinfect it before and after use.

Please call us on 020 8675 3812 to book.


For those who we can’t yet take to the shops, we are offering a home delivery service. You give your shopping list over the phone, we deliver it to you and you pay by cheque or bank transfer, plus £2.50 charge (the same as the usual shopping fare).

Please call us on 020 8675 3812 to book.


Meanwhile, Dial-a-Ride is still operating its usual service and has a huge amount of spare capacity. You can get a ride any time any place anywhere, so we recommend you join them if not already a member. They can be contacted on 0343 2227777.