
  • Powered scooters and wheelchairs on free loan at Wandsworth Town Centre
  • Also available for long term hire and “try before you buy”

Shopmobility is based at the rear entrance of Sainsbury’s Supermarket on Garratt Lane, SW18. It can be accessed via the car park or from the main entrance on Garratt lane – just walk down the atrium and we are at the far end.

The fantastic Southside Shopping Centre, with a wide selection of great shops, is just over the road and it is equally convenient for the whole of Wandsworth Town Centre. Shopmobility provides, on loan and free of charge, powered scooters, electric or manual wheelchairs, and an escort, if necessary, to anyone with a mobility problem.

The service runs in conjunction with the Shopping Shuttle. This enables people to be picked up by the shuttle service, be dropped off at the Shopmobility office, and then pick up a mobility aid to go and do their shopping or visit the Town Centre.

Find out more about Wandsworth Shopmobility

Waiting at Shopmobility

Jubilee AwardWandsworth Community Transport was really proud to receive The Queen’s Golden Jubilee Award for voluntary service by groups in the community, and since then a Wandsworth Business Award for customer Service and a Civic Award, for the work carried out by its Shopmobility Project. Congratulations to the Shopmobility Volunteers who have made it all possible. The team of 50 volunteers do a fantastic job, pushing the wheelchairs, driving the minibuses, giving a helping hand and providing friendship and support. This award really belongs to them and to them the credit is due.

To get more information, ring Wandsworth Shopmobility on (020) 8875 9585.