Services for groups

We have 23 minibuses available for non-profit making groups in Wandsworth, which range from schools and churches to sheltered housing and disability organisations.

Any non-profit making group based in Wandsworth or working with Wandsworth residents can use our comfortable minibuses at a very low cost. Members include Pensioners Clubs, Schools, Churches, Social Clubs, Tenants’ Association, Youth Clubs and more. If you need a minibus, the chances are we can help!

Email or call us for further information and a price list. As a rough guide, a short local trip will cost you £35, a trip to Windsor will cost £70 and a day to the coast will cost £120. All costs include fuel and insurance.

If you meet the conditions of being a non profit-making group based in, or operating for the benefit of residents or people working in Wandsworth and you want to apply for membership, you need to complete a Group Membership Application form to join Wandsworth Community Transport. Please complete the same form for renewals.

Before making an application, you should read and agree to the Terms and Conditions contained in the Group Membership Pack (linked below).

Complete the group membership form online

Expert assistance and advice to manage your minibus

If you own a minibus, we can manage it for you so that you can be sure it is legal, safe and properly serviced at all times. We can also hire it out on your behalf to help cover running costs.

For more information, phone Manuel on 020 8675 7460.